Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Small Movements

As Sifu Kuo, Lien-Ying used to say, "Big movement is not as good as small movement and small movement is not as good as no movement." A Yi Chuan ideal no doubt, though sometimes very small movements can help you investigate the structure and frame work in a way that "no movement" simply can't do. Even standing in Wu Chi posture and working from joint to joint from the toes up can be very instructive. By taking time while doing these finite movements one will see the vast effects that a simple thing as curling or lifting the toes [very slightly] has on the entire structure. Indeed one of the ideas of the "string of pearls" metaphor. When one feels these connections throughout the structure on this level it gives a whole new perspective while doing the form or standing post. It also feeds directly into the development of Ting Jing (listening energy) that is so crucial for good push hands skill. So, though I do agree completely with the Yi Chuan ideal, finding the value in the small movement is crucial.